Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The San Fernando Valley Illegal Soap Box Federation

The Pack (7)

The San Fernando Valley Illegal Soapbox Federation is a collection of handy individuals who love gravity but show much ambivalence towards their own personal safety.

They meet on the second Sunday of every month, at roughly 6am in a random parking lot. Yes, 6am. Don't worry too much, because thus far everywhere they've met contains a coffee dispensary. Where will they meet next month? You'll have to check their website to find out.

August 2007's Home Invasion was the first race I attended: two gentle curves followed by a long downhill, followed by a 90 degree right turn. My brother and I parked ourselves on the inside of the curve, wondering just what we were in store for. Nothing could've prepared us for what came next. When it comes to describing incredible events in detail, sometimes I'm good with words, other times I'm good with embedding video:
(please turn up your volume)

Needless to say, from that day forward I was hooked.

Following races will be covered in detail in the future, but for now the reader can go into more detail in our flickr sets.

1 comment:

Braff said...

that is amazing...